

週間海外セキュリティニュース #8 15/01/11〜15/01/17


ここでもよく出てくる英GCHQ(政府通信本部)・MI5対米NSA・FBIだそうで、標的はロンドンとN.Y.にある銀行(「test the security defences」ってあるけど実際に攻撃するんだろうか?)。年内に実施予定。

The exercises, which will initially test the security defences and procedures at banks on Wall Street and the Square Mile, are an extension of existing bilateral ties and critical national infrastructure resilience programs. The scheme will see GCHQ squaring up against the National Security Agency and the FBI in a rolling program of cyber war exercises due to begin later this year.

US and UK declare red-team CYBER WAR – on EACH OTHER • The Registerより

【随時更新】イギリスとアメリカがサイバー戦争ごっこをするらしい - トリコロールな猫/セキュリティ


United States

11 Mr Cameron goes to Washington for PESKY HACKERS chinwag with Pres Obama • The Register
Obama aims to tighten laws on data hacking and student privacy | Network World
12 Had a data breach? Well, SPEAK UP, big biz – Obama • The Register
Obama to push for data breach law requiring companies to report hacks | US news | theguardian.com
Obama calls for 30 day data breach notification and greater student privacy
FBI access to surveillance program expands in recent years | Network World
Obama proposes new privacy laws, including mandatory data breach warnings | ZDNet
Pro-ISIS hackers claim breach at U.S. Central Command | ZDNet
President Obama to Propose National Breach Notification Standard
U.S. military Twitter, YouTube accounts apparently hacked by ISIS | Network World
'American soldiers, we are coming...' US CENTCOM military in Twitter hijack shame • The Register
Central Command's Twitter Account Hacked…As Obama Speaks on Cybersecurity | WIRED
Obama calls for data breach notification law, privacy bill of rights | Network World
Obama outlines new cybersecurity initiatives to protect consumers | US news | theguardian.com
Obama revives call for immunity to companies sharing threat data | Network World
13 FBI has its fingers deep in NSA surveillance pie, declassified report shows • The Register
US military's Central Command Twitter account hacked
It Doesn't Really Matter if ISIS Sympathizers Hacked Central Command's Twitter | WIRED
U.S Military Social Media Accounts Hijacked By ISIS Supporters
US President spells out his cybersecurity legislative agenda
Obama unveils cybersecurity proposals: 'Cyber threats are urgent and growing danger' | US news | theguardian.com
Obama to propose legislation that protects firms sharing cyberthreat data
White House just endorsed CISPA measures, two years after veto threat | ZDNet
Obama resurrects cyberthreat sharing proposal despite privacy concerns | Network World
14 No, the NSA Isn't Like the Stasi—And Comparing Them Is Treacherous | WIRED
Department of Homeland Security oversight report: DHS is a terrifying failure | ZDNet
New report: DHS is a mess of cybersecurity incompetence | ZDNet
It's not about what Obama says, it's what enterprises must do | ZDNet
CENTCOM's Twitter "hack" shows perils of picking passwords, not a need for cybersecurity legislation | ZDNet
NSA: SO SORRY we backed that borked crypto even after you spotted the backdoor • The Register
Undercover Agent Reveals How He Helped the FBI Trap Silk Road's Ross Ulbricht | WIRED
15 Mr President, is this a war on hackers – or a war on people stopping hackers? • The Register
Obama to call for longer hacking prison sentences with revised Computer Fraud and Abuse Act
CIA exonerates CIA of all wrongdoing in Senate hacking probe • The Register
DHS Believed Mt. Gox CEO Might Have Been Silk Road's Secret Mastermind | WIRED
New York Post Twitter account hacked, UPI's also appears compromised | Network World
Prez Obama snubs UK PM's tough anti-encryption crusade at White House meet • The Register
17 US drug squad cops: We snooped on innocent Americans' phone calls too! • The Register

United Kingdom

12 Is IT security stifling innovation and collaboration?
British spy agency seeks snooping powers, as London's mayor is "not bothered" with civil liberties | ZDNet
UK spy chief warns Apple, Google privacy effort is "closing off" ability to catch terrorists | ZDNet
What do UK and Iran have in common? Both want to outlaw encrypted apps • The Register
UK prime minister suggests banning encrypted apps like WhatsApp, iMessage | Network World
13 UK PM looking to outlaw encrypted online communication | ZDNet
UK declares war on privacy under the facade of "national security" | ZDNet
UK Prime Minister Considers Banning Popular Encrypted Online Messaging Apps
British Prime Minister wants access to messaging apps
Banning all encryption won't make us safer, no matter what David Cameron says | Trevor Timm | Comment is free | theguardian.com
'80s hacker turned journo, IT crime ace Steve Gold logs off • The Register
14 Reactions to David Cameron's plan to ban end-to-end encryption
British Hacker Suspected of Defacing CENTCOM Social Media Sites
Briton lead suspect after US Central Command’s Twitter account is hacked | US news | The Guardian
15 David Cameron: I'm off to the US to get my bro Barack to ban crypto – report • The Register
16 Young CHAP CUFFED in Blighty over Christmas hacks of Sony and XBOX • The Register
Young CHAP CUFFED in Blighty over Xmas Sony and XBOX hacks • The Register
UK PM Cameron demonizes encryption, US report says it's vital
UK police make arrest related to denial of service attack on Playstation and Xbox networks | Network World
Lavabit founder condemns David Cameron's 'insane' plan to ban encryption | Technology | The Guardian


ACORN Australian Cybercrime Online Reporting Network Australia
AISI Australian Internet Security Initiative Australia
ASIC Australian Securities and Investments Commission Australia
ENISA European Union Agency for Network and Information Security EU
FTC Federal Trade Commission US
DOJ Department of Justice US
CISPA Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act
GCHQ Government Communications Headquarters UK


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